Diving in

I give all of myself to this exploration. There is no holding back, no going back. The choice is so obvious now, to choose this glorious Presence in any given moment-this gloriously alive moment- over all other things, all other concerns.

What grace! To have this Life offered to us just the way it is, and to be able to see that this moment contains the entirety of all magic. To keep choosing this magic-this presence- is where this Life wants to align.

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Life is still so up in the air, so not-known. I know things are changing though-I can feel it in my nervous system. Its time to dive in deeper. Not in a cloistered, reclusive way-but rather in a way that allows all attachments to be released as this blessed Presence is given this Life. I don't know where I will live, and that is OK. I can still feel a little apprehension in the nervous system, the mind projecting into the future-a little wanting to know. But that is OK too. I can feel it within this glorious exchange with the Beloved Divine, so the little bit of apprehension is fully embraced by the Divine. Every part of my Being is coming home to this glorious moment. And every molecule of this moment is embracing Being. And mind really likes this much better than worrying about anything...much better.

The Potency of Life

Lately I have been feeling a lot of Life entering my Being, and also my circumstances. It's pretty cool. I am busy with many things, yet the busyness isn't coming from thoughts about what I need to do-rather its a very strong energy. Its an energy that is informing my system of all its capable of doing.

This is very different for me. I have never had a strong "doer" going on. for most of my life, I have led a more simple life. I would go to my job, do a little exercise, and have a few Satsangs. It felt like Life was wanting to keep everything quiet and connected to Source, so that any expectations about Life could be exposed and seen.

Now everything has flipped! Haha! There has been such a degree of letting go of expectations, and such an intense degree of focus on what is True, that Life is beginning to respond. And it is strong!

I feel inspired. What is moving through me is my Beloved. And She wants to act. Of course, I have no idea what will happen, as there is only this moment in which I feel Her inspiring the system. But there are many doorways through which to walk through...in this moment, and in this moment.

It's kind of scary too. Because many of these doorways are not familiar, nor comfortable. They lead to absolute not-knowing. And this is good because it forces me to stay present, where the guidance is. Where the inspiration is.

All I know is that what is moving this vessel is the only Truth I desire. And because my nervous system recognizes this, it opens more. It is becoming more in tune with Life- more awake to Life.

I feel like I am just beginning to Live.

The Power of Love

The idea of truth, or awareness, can sometimes lead seekers into an area that feels dry, or stagnant. This dryness has no life in it simply because it is devoid of Love.

To have a Love relationship with the Divine is in no way an inferior path. On the contrary, the power of Love is what leads us to unimaginable depths- depths that are beyond what the mind could ever imagine. We are leaving behind what is known.

It is this Love that leads me on. It is this Love that my Being feels as it opens up to the Totality. My Beings feels Love as a guiding power; a power that gives it courage to go beyond what it "thinks" or imagines.

Love leads us beyond this paradigm of relativity-where "my life" controls our everyday actions and relationships. Love dissolves "my life" into the source of Life. We have the inspiration to leave "my life,"  because Love feels more valuable, more precious, than "my life" ever could. "My life" is driven by the need for protection- it is filled with fear, insecurity and grasping. To dissolve "my life" through the Love of Divine, is a very powerful process indeed.

To have a Love relationship with the Divine is a mutual relationship. To feel Love for the Divine eventually allows the Being to feel Loved by the Divine- to feel cared for, nourished. This thrills the Being into opening up more to the unknown, which allows the unknown to enter the Being...which thrills the Being even more...bringing it into such precision and clarity, focus and Love.

On and on, deeper and deeper.....into the beauty and precious dynamic power of Love.

This is my path...will you join me?