Keep going

It’s amazing how deep the pain Body, along with its associated patterns of thinking, goes- deep and persistent. Life comes by, and the Pain Body gets triggered, and the thinking ensues, and the relative reality that the thinking creates keeps resurrecting itself. This is what we are doing, folks. This is where the real spiritual warrior walks.

We have to go deep. Really deep. right into the heart of that Pain Body. To voluntarily encounter it, over and over again. As we do this, our awareness is getting stronger, more precise. What the Pain Body is doing to our Light should be a major concern as we see it over and over again.

And then we begin to see how much more space there is, where the Pain Body once was. The triggers become less predominant, its like their energy has been deflated. Maybe a strong one comes by once in a while, but its not the same as it was. We know we are on the right track.

And how does this Pain Body get resolved in our system? How do we stop believing in it? Its absolutely essential at a certain point in the game that we begin to come from our pure Being. The essence of who we are. The deepest part of ourselves. The inner spaciousness that is there within us when we get quiet and put our attention on it. The deeper we go in our own heart, the stronger this inner dimension becomes. It responds to our attentions.

The only obstacle to knowing who we are is that we are so habitualized in focusing on the external. We are either focusing on what we need to do, the problems in our lives, or the problems within our own self. The turn this attention into a place within us that is not a perception, but rather a sense of spaciousness, is a completely different way of perceiving. But this is what needs to happen. Its like doing a U-turn with our attention. And inward we go- not into some “thing”,- into an aliveness within us, a spaciousness that cannot be defined, grabbed onto or owned. Pure Being is beyond small self.

When we encounter our Pain Body, we are encountering it with a part of ourselves that is not the Pain Body. There is a space between the what sees, and the pain body. What sees is our inner essence, the Deeper dimension, one that does not lack or feel problematic. It may be quite subtle at first, maybe even just a small space between thoughts. But the more we can align with our Heart, the wider that space becomes.

The more we use what we are to heal ourselves, the stronger that identification becomes. We begin to know ourselves as that which heals, rather than that which needs healing. Its a profound path of compassions and devotion.
