/Two nights ago I had a dream. It was an Amma dream. And, as many of you know, we don't dream about Amma unless Amma wills it. These dreams are gifts, and for me they are rare. And so, when they occur, I know they are significant and I need to pay attention.
In the dream, I was in India, at a public program with Amma. It was a huge program, with thousands of people present, coming to receive Amma's darshan. I was sitting quite close to Amma, in front of Her where I could see her clearly. She had in her hands a golden vessel, and it was filled with her pada Prasad, which is the nectar that was used to wash her feet. It is highly cherished among her disciples. She was holding it in front of Her heart, and over the vessel she was looking right at me. And then she spit in it, while still looking at me, imbibing it with her Self.
She then told me to take the vessel, and pass it out to all the people present. Since there were so many people, I felt a little daunted by this request from Amma. So, instead I went to one of the bramachirinis, or women monks, and told her about Amma's request. She took the vessel and said that we would pass it out at lunch, and the men could pass it out on their side. So, with this decision in place, I left the vessel in her care.
As soon as I walked away, I felt something nudge me inside. I knew that what Amma had asked me to do was needing to take place in this moment. She did not want me to wait. And so, I went back to where the Prasad vessel was sitting, and one by one, I began to pass out the nectar of God.