The Sacred Becomes Us
/I don't know what it is about this time of the year, but I always sense a deep impulse to allow more light into my space. These longer dark nights invoke a silent invitation to allow the holy into our world. And if we can manage to remember our own innate sacred connection to the Divine, without losing ourselves in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the light of the holy will reveal itself to us.
We always have a choice, and when we can slow down and allow the sacred to reveal itself to us, in this moment, we will naturally want to make more room for it. I know I do. And the more room we make for it, the more obvious the preciousness of the holy becomes. We are drawn into the holy by the illuminating qualities that are revealed to us. Light begets more light. And this light that recognizes this is our most fundamental essence. We are attracted to our own True Self. So when we light a candle, let us be bringing in the sacred of our own light. Watch and see how quickly the holy in your own being responds to being recognized. Let us take the time to do this each day, because it becomes us to do so.