Grace is the essential transformative agent that brings all aspects of our Being back into Source. We need Grace to go beyond what we know- beyond the imagined. In this experiential retreat we will dive deeply into the factors that bring about that transformative Light of Grace, so that we can recognize that it is taking place right within our own Being- and that it is always accessible.
Join Joi and friends in our lovely Dolores, Colorado sangha for a deep and experiential retreat. Our group is small, and very supportive as we engage with one another with clear intention to know the true essence of Life, and all that moves us. We welcome all that have a sincere desire to live their true essence.
Three Satsangs on Friday & Saturday. Two Satsangs on Sunday, along with several Silent meditations each day.
Retreat Cost: $225. Space is limited.
Meals and accommodations are available at a very reasonable rate. Contact Jeanne at to reserve a space.
For questions and more information